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Terry Trotter

Terry William Trotter is an American jazz pianist and piano teacher living in Los Angeles. He has recorded with such artists as Frank Sinatra, Ella Fitzgerald, Natalie Cole, Celine Dion, Larry Carlton, and many others. Trotter composed the theme music to the television show Everybody Loves Raymond. Terry Trotter, American jazz pianist

5 October 1940

Born on the same birth day (5 October): André KuipersBill JamesBrian JohnsonCal WilsonCody ZellerDavid KirkDoug BaileyFriedrich Bernhard WestphalJames Valentine (musician)Jeff ConawayJohn Alexander (footballer, born 1955)José DonosoJosé Froilán GonzálezLee Thompson (saxophonist)Marcel BaudeMichael MorpurgoMorgan WebbPeadar Toner Mac FhionnlaoichTornike ShengeliaWalter Dale Miller

Born in the same month (October 1940): Chris FarloweCraig RodwellEllie GreenwichFrances FitzGerald (journalist)Jane HolzerMarita PetersenMichael GambonMike TroyPharoah Sanders