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Vic Hadfield

Victor Edward Hadfield is a Canadian former professional ice hockey player. He played sixteen years in the National Hockey League (NHL), spending thirteen with the New York Rangers and three with the Pittsburgh Penguins. Vic Hadfield, Canadian ice hockey player

4 October 1940

Born on the same birth date (4 October 1940): Alberto VilarSilvio MarzoliniSteve Swallow

Born on the same birth day (4 October): A.C. GreenAlan L. HartAlberto VilarBuster KeatonCharlie HurleyGabriele PaleottiHenry III of CastileJackie CollinsJóhanna SigurðardóttirKarolina TymińskaKei HorieKoji Ishikawa (illustrator)Lloyd GreenMartial CélestinMary Celine FasenmyerMichael MullenRudolf I, Duke of BavariaVitaly GinzburgYvonne Murray

Born in the same month (October 1940): Bob KnightGordon J. HumphreyIvan Della MeaJack Shepherd (actor)John GottiJohn LennonKathy KirbyLarry ChanceMaxine Hong KingstonPharoah Sanders