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Scott Cooper (baseball)

Scott Kendrick Cooper is an American former professional baseball third baseman. He played in Major League Baseball (MLB) for the Boston Red Sox, St. Louis Cardinals, and Kansas City Royals, and in Nippon Professional Baseball (NPB) for the Seibu Lions. Scott Cooper, American baseball player

13 October 1967

Born on the same birth date (13 October 1967): Aleksander ČeferinJavier SotomayorKate Walsh (actress)Steve Vickers (footballer)Trevor Hoffman

Born on the same birth day (13 October): Andrej RendlaAndrew CapobiancoBenjamin ClappBruce GellerCornel WildeEmperor Xiaowen of Northern WeiFanie de VilliersGustav WincklerJakob SilfverbergJiminJohn Regis (athlete)John Snow (cricketer)John William DawsonKelly PrestonLillie LangtryMollie KatzenRyan MattersonSerena AltschulTiffany TrumpWilfred Pickles

Born in the same month (October 1967): Dale CroverDan ForestEddie GuerreroEric BenétGavin LovegroveJavier SotomayorJonathan LittellMichelle AlexanderMike MalininOmar LinaresPedro González (footballer, born 1967)Peter Baker (golfer)Rex ChapmanRita GuerraScott Young (ice hockey, born 1967)Simone MoroWerner Daehn