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Scott Young (ice hockey, born 1967)

Scott Allen Young is an American former professional ice hockey right winger and a member of the United States Hockey Hall of Fame. In July 2017 he was named director of player development for the Pittsburgh Penguins. Scott Young, American ice hockey player and coach

1 October 1967

Born on the same birth date (1 October 1967): Mike Pringle (gridiron football)

Born on the same birth day (1 October): Esa HolopainenGeorge WeahGiacomo Barozzi da VignolaJohann Jakob GrynaeusKevin GriffinLeonie KramerLizaad WilliamsNectarios of AeginaPaul Walsh

Born in the same month (October 1967): Dan ForestElizabeth CarlingJacqueline McKenzieJoely FisherMichelle AlexanderOona KingRon TugnuttRufus SewellStephen A. SmithThomas MusterThorsten Fink