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Michael Sweetney

Michael Damien Sweetney is an American former professional basketball player. He is now the assistant coach of the Yeshiva University Men's basketball team and head coach of the girls varsity basketball team at New York's Ramaz School. Michael Sweetney, American basketball player

25 October 1982

Born on the same birth date (25 October 1982): Camilla JensenGuido GrünheidMickaël TavaresVictoria Francés

Born on the same birth day (25 October): Adam GoldbergAntony StarrElías FigueroaFélicien SingboGary SundgrenIvan MarconiIván RamisMasako NozawaSara ChafakThe Alchemist (musician)Theodora Agnes PeckTweety CarterYoo Yong-sungZachary Knighton

Born in the same month (October 1982): Anthony LerewClémence PoésyGonzalo PinedaJermain DefoeMatt SmithMichael RoosRickey PauldingThierry AmielTony Khan