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Wilfried Louis

Wilfried Louis is a Haitian football defender who played for Haiti in the 1974 FIFA World Cup. He also played for Don Bosco FC. Wilfried Louis, Haitian footballer

25 October 1949

Born on the same birth date (25 October 1949): Brian KerwinRéjean HouleWalter Hyatt

Born on the same birth day (25 October): Adam GoldbergAntony StarrBob KnightDave WeillMichael I of RomaniaOleg SalenkoPeter LedgerPhilip WicksteedStanislav BohushThomas ArmatToktogul SatylganovTony Jackson (pianist)Tyrus WongWhit BissellYoo Yong-sung

Born in the same month (October 1949): Alison Wolf, Baroness Wolf of DulwichBarclay ShawBrian KerwinLes MoonvesMark HopkinsonMichael Gaughan (Irish republican)Michel BrièrePeter AckroydPrannoy Roy