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Margarita Liborio Arrazola

Margarita Liborio Arrazola is a Mexican politician from the Institutional Revolutionary Party. From 2009 to 2012 she served as Deputy of the LXI Legislature of the Mexican Congress representing Oaxaca. Margarita Liborio Arrazola, Mexican politician

17 October 1964

Born on the same birth date (17 October 1964): Gregg Wallace

Born on the same birth day (17 October): Aida NavarroBarney KesselBill Hudson (singer)David MeansEarl Thomas ConleyEleftheria ArvanitakiHideto TakahashiJarosław FojutJerry SiegelJohn MabryLuiz BonfáManuel "Flaco" IbáñezMaria GorokhovskayaMontgomery CliftRobert JordanRubén Ramírez (footballer, born 1982)Tommy Kendall

Born in the same month (October 1964): CeCe WinansClive OwenDan SavageDmitry GorkovFrank BruniGregg WallaceHumayun Kabir DhaliIan WellsJames Thompson (crime writer)Joe GirardiJon CarinMarco van BastenMiltos ManetasRosana ArbeloYvonne Murray