Birth Date Cake O'Clock Birth Date Clock

Miltos Manetas

Miltos Manetas is a Greek painter and multimedia artist. He currently lives and works in Bogotá. Miltos Manetas, Greek painter

6 October 1964

Born on the same birth date (6 October 1964): Knut StorbergetMark FieldMatthew SweetRicky BerryTom Jager

Born on the same birth day (6 October): Adam GemiliAlexandr ShilovAmy Jo JohnsonJoseph LoweryPizzi (Portuguese footballer)Ricky HattonSeema Kennedy

Born in the same month (October 1964): Charles StrossFrank BruniKikka (singer)Margarita Liborio ArrazolaMark FieldMax MatsuuraRoberto VittoriShawn LittleTy Pennington