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Claude Lapointe

Claude Lapointe is a Canadian former ice hockey player. He played in the National Hockey League for the Quebec Nordiques, Colorado Avalanche, Calgary Flames, New York Islanders, and Philadelphia Flyers between 1991 and 2004. Claude Lapointe, Canadian ice hockey player and coach

11 October 1968

Born on the same birth date (11 October 1968): Brett SalisburyJane Krakowski

Born on the same birth day (11 October): Brandon FlynnDawn FrenchEmily DavisonEmily DeschanelFred BodsworthHenry Luke OrombiLucas PapademosMelchior de PolignacMerieme ChadidMichelle TrachtenbergPrince Constantijn of the NetherlandsRandy BreuerRoman JakobsonSawao KatōSteen Steensen BlicherStevenson Archer (1786–1848)Volodymyr Horilyi

Born in the same month (October 1968): Alejandra ÁvalosBart BrentjensBill AuberlenBjarne GoldbækDileepDonald SildDwayne SchintziusEmily ProcterGuto BebbJack PlotnickJane KrakowskiJohnny GoudieJon GuentherMark Durden-SmithMiyuki ImoriRichard HancoxRob CollardSusan TullyTrent Zimmerman