Birth Date Cake O'Clock Birth Date Clock

Jack Plotnick

Jack Plotnick is an American film and television actor, writer, and producer. Jack Plotnick, American actor, director, and producer

30 October 1968

Born on the same birth date (30 October 1968): Emmanuelle ClaretKen Stringfellow

Born on the same birth day (30 October): Buck FreemanFiona DourifGiovanni Pietro Francesco Agius de SoldanisGiuseppe FarinaJoanna ShimkusOtis WilliamsPatsy MontanaPoncho SanchezRichard E. HolzRobert L. GibsonStefan KuntzTim Kirk

Born in the same month (October 1968): Bob May (golfer)Doris FitschenJay UnderwoodJohann Olav KossJon GuentherMarc LièvremontMarinos OuzounidisMayumi OzakiRhod GilbertRobert WilonskyShaggy (musician)Thom Yorke