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Zoe Perry

Zoe Perry is an American actress. She has appeared as the young Mary Cooper in the CBS sitcom Young Sheldon and in recurring roles on The Family and Scandal. Zoe Perry, American actress

26 September 1983

Born on the same birth date (26 September 1983): Archimede MorleoRicardo Quaresma

Born on the same birth day (26 September): Bob Van Der VekenBrooks OrpikCraig ChaquicoHenry WaltersIshwar Chandra VidyasagarJohnny AppleseedKiira KorpiMarianne MikkoMartin MüürseppMarty RobbinsMor ve ötesiThomas Ros, 8th Baron Ros

Born in the same month (September 1983): Adam Jones (American football)Freya RossIñaki LejarretaJerry BlevinsMargit RüütelRafael Marques (footballer, born September 1983)Yuichi Nakamaru