Birth Date Cake O'Clock Birth Date Clock

Warren Lieberfarb

Warren N. Lieberfarb is Chairman of Warren N. Lieberfarb & Associates, LLC (WNLA), a boutique consulting and investment firm based in Los Angeles focused on digital media technology and distribution. Warren Lieberfarb, American businessman

28 September 1943

Born on the same birth date (28 September 1943): George W. S. TrowNick St. Nicholas

Born on the same birth day (28 September): Alice MahonAlice MarbleAmélie of OrléansClaudio Borghi (footballer)Cody Martin (basketball)David Lewis (philosopher)Francis Turner PalgraveHenry Fox, 1st Baron HollandImmanuel WallersteinJenny OmnichordJoe BentonJohn SaylesJosé Calderón (basketball)Luke PomersbachMārtiņš RozePhoenix Battye

Born in the same month (September 1943): André BoudriasBarry CableBrian PerkinsDavid HoodGloria GaynorMarty SchottenheimerPaul HoffertRobert WaldenRoger WatersRosalind AshfordValerie PerrineWang Houjun