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Viren Rasquinha

Viren Wilfred Rasquinha is an Indian former field hockey player and captain of the Indian national team. He was a member of the team that competed at the 2004 Athens Olympics. He quit international hockey in 2008 to pursue management studies at the age of 28. He came to gitam Viren Rasquinha, Indian field hockey player

13 September 1980

Born on the same birth date (13 September 1980): Andreas BiermannBen SavageDaisuke MatsuzakaHan Chae-youngVangelis Nastos

Born on the same birth day (13 September): Ahmet Necdet SezerAndres KüngCraig McMillanJohn Smith (Labour Party leader)José ThéodoreJudy BlumbergKoldo FernándezLeopold RužičkaLewie SteinbergSherwood AndersonWłodzimierz Cimoszewicz

Born in the same month (September 1980): Chris RiggottCity and ColourJames Ellison (motorcyclist)John Arne RiisePat NeshekPetri PasanenT.I.Yao MingZachary Levi