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Valdas Vasylius

Valdas Vasylius is a Lithuanian basketball player. He played collegiately at Old Dominion University. He also represented the Lithuanian national basketball team at the 2007 Summer Universiade. Valdas Vasylius, Lithuanian basketball player

3 September 1983

Born on the same birth date (3 September 1983): Augusto FarfusNicky Hunt

Born on the same birth day (3 September): August AlsinaCaryl ChurchillClare KramerGlen ReaJason McCaslinJishu DasguptaLevy MwanawasaSarah BurkeSpike FerestenTanitoluwa AdewumiVaden Todd LewisValery V. AfanasyevYoane Wissa

Born in the same month (September 1983): Arash BorhaniArmands ŠķēleCarl LandryDiego BenaglioEamon (singer)Fernando CavenaghiIñaki LejarretaJohn AfoaKirsty CoventryLiam FinnLuke HochevarMark Foster (rugby union)Will Blalock