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Trevis Smith

Trevis Smith is a former football linebacker who played seven years with the Saskatchewan Roughriders of the Canadian Football League (CFL). Born in Montgomery, Alabama, Smith was formerly a linebacker for the University of Alabama. Trevis Smith, American football player

14 September 1985

Born on the same birth date (14 September 1985): Alex ClareAya UetoDelmon YoungPaolo Gregoletto

Born on the same birth day (14 September): Belinda HockingBenjamin FedchenkovCachaoClaudius ClavusEdmund SzokaEliphalet DyerEugene I. GordonGeraldine Brooks (writer)Irwin GoodmanJoan Trumpauer MulhollandJoey HeathertonJulia PlattKevin LyttleMark Webber (guitarist)Steve Berlin

Born in the same month (September 1985): Alex ClareAlexander OvechkinCristian RodríguezGreg StiemsmaHasan MinhajIbrahim Touré (footballer, born 1985)J. R. SmithLarsen JensenLauren LapkusLukáš KašparMatt Harrison (baseball)Max MinghellaSong Joong-ki