Birth Date Cake O'Clock Birth Date Clock

Stefan Buczacki

Stefan T. Buczacki is a British horticulturist, botanist, biographer, novelist and broadcaster. Stefan Buczacki, English horticulturalist, botanist, and television host

16 October 1945

Born on the same birth date (16 October 1945): Paul MonetteRoger Hawkins (drummer)

Born on the same birth day (16 October): Bill McLarenBrynjar GunnarssonCarl Gunter Jr.Elsa ZylbersteinGary KempGian Galeazzo ViscontiJames II of ScotlandMacKenzie MillerMarin AlsopNiwa NagahidePeter AshdownScott O'Hara

Born in the same month (October 1945): Colin HodgkinsonDivine (performer)GĂ©rald LaroseJeannie C. RileyKrzysztof PiesiewiczMaggi HamblingMelba MooreRuss BallardSteve CamachoTony Brown (footballer, born 1945)Yvan Ponton