Birth Date Cake O'Clock Birth Date Clock

Sonny Vaccaro

John Paul Vincent "Sonny" Vaccaro is an American former sports marketing executive. He lives in Santa Monica, California. Sonny Vaccaro, American businessman

23 September 1939

Born on the same birth date (23 September 1939): Henry BlofeldJoan Hanham, Baroness HanhamRoy Buchanan

Born on the same birth day (23 September): Chris Johnson (running back)Eric MontrossGeorg KeßlerJakob StreitJermaine DupriKoshi InabaMarvin LewisMatthieu DescoteauxPaul PetersenPetteri LindbohmRon TindallSehba AkhtarShane del RosarioSkylar AstinTom Hogan

Born in the same month (September 1939): AgniveshBrigid BerlinCarl SchultzCarol Lynn PearsonCarsten KellerCharles GeschkeClaudette ColvinDavid S. MannDeborah LavinGeorge LazenbyGeorge WaldenGerry HarveyGilbert E. PattersonHenry BlofeldKathy WhitworthRhodri MorganRichard KielRicky TomlinsonRon McDoleShelby FlintSusumu TonegawaWilliam Devane