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Sherri Turner

Sherri Turner is an American professional golfer. She became a member of the LPGA Tour in 1984 and won three LPGA Tour events, including one major championship, during her career. Sherri Turner, American golfer

4 October 1956

Born on the same birth date (4 October 1956): Charlie LeibrandtChristoph WaltzLesley Glaister

Born on the same birth day (4 October): Dana DavisFelicia FarrJim CairnsJim FielderJohn Ellis (executioner)John Vincent AtanasoffKarolina TymińskaLloyd GreenPhilippe RussoRobert Lawson (author)Tony La Russa

Born in the same month (October 1956): Amanda BurtonChristoph WaltzDavid VanianDwight YoakamJeff LahtiJeff MerkleyJim TalentMike ShipleyMike TullyPat McCrorySteve DoocyWilfredo Gómez