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Scott Hoffman

Scott Hoffman is an American rock drummer. He is best known for his years playing with Southern rock band 38 Special, from 1992 to 1997. Scott Hoffman, American drummer

10 October 1961

Born on the same birth date (10 October 1961): Henrik Jørgensen (runner)Martin Kemp

Born on the same birth day (10 October): Chris ProngerColin SladeJoelle CarterJunior MadozeinKangtaLance CairnsMatthew PinsentNathan JawaiPat BurrellPeter CoyoteSue Campbell, Baroness Campbell of LoughboroughYinka Dare

Born in the same month (October 1961): Ben SummerskillChad SmithChris DolemanDerek HarperDoc RiversDylan McDermottGary Ablett Sr.Gerald MalloyGladstone SmallJohn SivebækLes StroudMarc LevyMartin KempMichie TomizawaPeter JacksonRebecca Stephens (climber)Simon BurkeSteve YoungSteven Bernstein (musician)Takaaki IshibashiTed KooshianTony SparanoUhuru KenyattaVyacheslav Butusov