Birth Date Cake O'Clock Birth Date Clock

Ryan Clement

Ryan Clement is a former American football quarterback. He played college for the Miami Hurricanes and professionally in NFL Europe, XFL, United Indoor Football and the Indoor Football League. Ryan Clement, American football player

25 October 1975

Born on the same birth date (25 October 1975): Agustín JulioAntony StarrZadie Smith

Born on the same birth day (25 October): Daniele BagnoliDarron GibsonFriedrich Karl August, Prince of Waldeck and PyrmontGiuliano de' MediciIvan M. NivenJames Graham, 1st Marquess of MontroseJimmy McIlroyKeaton YamadaLouis II, Count of FlandersPeter LedgerSam M. LewisSigleif JohansenSteve HodgeThomas Mullins, 1st Baron Ventry

Born in the same month (October 1975): Bobo BaldéCristiano LucarelliFloyd LandisFrancis BouillonJosh SawyerMark VidukaMíchel SalgadoSatoko IshimineSean LennonTalib Kweli