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Ron Flockhart (ice hockey)

Ronald Everett Flockhart is a Canadian former professional ice hockey player. He is the brother of Rob Flockhart. Ron Flockhart, Canadian ice hockey player

10 October 1960

Born on the same birth date (10 October 1960): Eric Martin (musician)Paul ThiebaudRussell SladeSimon Townshend

Born on the same birth day (10 October): AD 19Aleksis KiviAndré BureauClare HollingworthHarold PinterJames ClavellJean PeyrièreJulius ShulmanLambert-Sigisbert AdamMinister for iTaukei AffairsNikolai KlyuevNikos SpyropoulosPaul KrugerRobert F. Boyle

Born in the same month (October 1960): Ayuo TakahashiBD WongBob MouldCarecaCris KirkwoodDan WoodgateDarryl JeniferDawn Coe-JonesEric Martin (musician)Grayson HughJaime GarzónJoe BoeverJoshua WurmanKenny GarrettMike TeagueNicola BryantPaul ThiebaudZbigniew Kruszyński