Birth Date Cake O'Clock Birth Date Clock

Rhonda Hughes

Rhonda Jo Hughes is an American mathematician, the Helen Herrmann Professor Emeritus of Mathematics at Bryn Mawr College. Rhonda Hughes, American mathematician and academic

28 September 1947

Born on the same birth date (28 September 1947): Bob CarrJon Snow (journalist)Sheikh Hasina

Born on the same birth day (28 September): Dustin PennerImmanuel WallersteinJohn French, 1st Earl of YpresJohnny DawkinsKate Douglas WigginList of ministers-president of BavariaNarcĂ­s MonturiolStuart KauffmanViktoria Leks

Born in the same month (September 1947): David PountneyDenis LawsonJane CurtinKjell Magne BondevikLarry NelsonLynn AndersonMarc BolanMarianne WigginsMia MartiniMichael ConnartyPaul SaitRichard CourtRuss AbbotS. H. KapadiaSheikh HasinaThomas H. Cook