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Paul DiPietro

Paul Anthony DiPietro is a Canadian-born Swiss former professional ice hockey player. A Stanley Cup champion with the Montreal Canadiens, he played forward and made the roster for the Swiss national ice hockey team at the 2006 Winter Olympics. Paul DiPietro, Canadian-Swiss ice hockey player

8 September 1970

Born on the same birth date (8 September 1970): Andy Ward (rugby union)John WelbornLatrell SprewellLodi (wrestler)Neko CaseNidal Hasan

Born on the same birth day (8 September): Aimee MannJean-Louis BarraultJózef NojiLudovico AriostoTanaz EshaghianZachary RichardĆamila Mičijević

Born in the same month (September 1970): Ani DiFrancoEric PiatkowskiIgor KorolevIvan IuscoKimiko DateMike MathenyNatalia StreignardNathan Larson (musician)Rob BenedictSheri Moon Zombie