Birth Date Cake O'Clock Birth Date Clock

Patrick Morrow

Patrick Allan Morrow, is a Canadian photographer and mountain climber. In 1986 he was the first person to climb the Seven Summits in the Carstensz-Version. Patrick Morrow, Canadian mountaineer and photographer

18 October 1952

Born on the same birth date (18 October 1952): Allen RipleyBảo NinhChuck LorreJerry RoysterPaul GeroskiRoy Dias

Born on the same birth day (18 October): Catherine RingerDenis WatsonEric StuartJaroslav Drobný (footballer)Josh SawyerLen BraundMartha BurkMartina NavratilovaPascal WehrleinPhilipp III, Count of Hanau-LichtenbergRobert DoveStephen AllanVytautas Landsbergis

Born in the same month (October 1952): Beverly JohnsonBrent MydlandBéla CsécseiChristopher CoxCrazy MohanDavid WasDerek RidgersGary TroupGlenys Thornton, Baroness ThorntonIvan SekyraJacques Martin (ice hockey)Jacques RichardMundo EarwoodPeter BoneTove NilsenTrevor ChappellVerónica CastroWendy Hall