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Neal Lancaster

Grady Neal Lancaster is an American professional golfer who has played on the PGA Tour, Nationwide Tour and the PGA Tour Champions. Neal Lancaster, American golfer

13 September 1962

Born on the same birth date (13 September 1962): Tõnu Õnnepalu

Born on the same birth day (13 September): Amelie BeeseAnnie DukeBarbara BainChu BerryEduard RatnikovJohn H. BankheadKarolos KounKeith TreacyLewie SteinbergManabu NamikiMarjorie Jackson-NelsonRobert Ward (composer)Sherwood AndersonSicco MansholtTravis Knight (basketball)William Birdwood

Born in the same month (September 1962): Amy YasbeckBaz LuhrmannBonnie Jo CampbellDeborah OrrDustin NguyenFilip DewinterGeorge SouthHasan VezirHesham QandilJohn FashanuJonas BergqvistLaurie RinkerLeader of the Labour Party (UK)Marley MarlPaul FeigShinya YamanakaSteve MoneghettiTony CascarinoTracey ThornTõnu ÕnnepaluUlla TørnæsVictoria Poleva