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Mildred D. Taylor

Mildred DeLois Taylor is a Newbery Award-winning American young adult novelist. She is best known for her novel Roll of Thunder, Hear My Cry, part of her Logan family series. Mildred D. Taylor, American author

13 September 1943

Born on the same birth day (13 September): Bob EggletonBobby DavroBongbong MarcosColin Moynihan, 4th Baron MoynihanDaniel FonsecaDon BluthGuntis UlmanisJoel-Peter WitkinJohn J. PershingJohn Smith (Labour Party leader)José ThéodoreKerry StokesLarry ShieldsLouis MandylorMel TorméMolly CrabappleRoger DésormièreSitiveni RabukaSteve ColpaertThomas MüllerWilhelm FilchnerYuri Alexandrov (boxer)Zak Starkey

Born in the same month (September 1943): André CailléBarry CableBeverley McLachlinGeorge W. S. TrowGloria GaynorGordon BirtwistleJoe MorganJohann DeisenhoferMarty SchottenheimerPaul HoffertRalph NeelyValerie Perrine