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Mike Johnson (ice hockey)

Michael Paul Johnson is a Canadian former professional ice hockey right winger who played in the NHL for the Toronto Maple Leafs, Tampa Bay Lightning, Phoenix Coyotes, Montreal Canadiens and the St. Louis Blues. Mike Johnson, Canadian ice hockey player and sportscaster

3 October 1974

Born on the same birth date (3 October 1974): Antti LaaksonenMarianne Timmer

Born on the same birth day (3 October): Alicia VikanderAndrea de AdamichAndreas IsakssonChris CollingwoodClaudio PizarroIndia ArieJack HodginsJack Wagner (actor)Kevin Richardson (musician)Ludger StühlmeyerTetsuya (musician)Tony Brown (footballer, born 1945)Two Door Cinema Club

Born in the same month (October 1974): Amish TripathiAntti LaaksonenAurela GaçeBraden LooperBrian KnightBurton (musician)Corey DillonDhondup WangchenHoàng Xuân VinhJamal MayersJohn RockerJulio Cruz (Argentine footballer)Lee Byung-kyuLimmyMartin HendersonMatthew MacfadyenNick Graham (rugby league)Oded KattashPaco LeónPaul Teutul Jr.Rachel Barton PineRoger LimaRuslan Nigmatullin