Birth Date Cake O'Clock Birth Date Clock

Mike Bratz

Michael Louis Bratz is a retired American basketball player and former the assistant general manager for the Sacramento Kings. He played professionally in the NBA for the Phoenix Suns, Cleveland Cavaliers, San Antonio Spurs, Chicago Bulls, Golden State Warriors, and Sacramento Kings. Mike Bratz, American basketball player

17 October 1955

Born on the same birth date (17 October 1955): Georgios Alogoskoufis

Born on the same birth day (17 October): Alessandro Piccolo (racing driver)Andrei GrechkoFrancisco Flores PérezGeorge WendtHoward RollinsJoseph BowieLouis Charles, Count of BeaujolaisLuiz BonfáMargot KidderMichelle AngRubén Ramírez (footballer, born 1982)Saki KumagaiSergio GoycocheaVina MoralesYvor Winters

Born in the same month (October 1955): Aaron PryorAnte GotovinaBill ElliottDenis WatsonHeidi HeitkampJane SiberryJohn Alexander (footballer, born 1955)John Rutherford (rugby union)John S. LesmeisterMoshe KamPeter Saville (graphic designer)Philip OakeyRita Verdonk