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Mike Antonovich (ice hockey)

Michael Joseph John "Antone" Antonovich is an American former professional hockey player, and coach. He was selected in the ninth round of the 1971 NHL Amateur Draft, 113th overall, by the Minnesota North Stars. He is currently a scout for the Columbus Blue Jackets. Mike Antonovich, American ice hockey player and coach

18 October 1951

Born on the same birth date (18 October 1951): David NormingtonNic PotterPam DawberTerry McMillan

Born on the same birth day (18 October): Anita O'DayCharles le BeauDick TaverneFreida PintoHillard ElkinsJames Robert BakerJosh SawyerMax GersonVictor Sen YungZe'ev JabotinskyZhu Xi

Born in the same month (October 1951): Annie GoldenBrian GreenwayCharly GarcĂ­aDave WinfieldJack O'Connell (American politician)Joe R. LansdaleJohn MellencampMinister for iTaukei AffairsNancy JacobsNick SabanRoger PontareSally LittleShannon C. Stimson