Birth Date Cake O'Clock Birth Date Clock

Marilyn Bell

Marilyn Grace Bell Di Lascio is a Canadian retired long distance swimmer. She was the first person to swim across Lake Ontario and later swam the English Channel and Strait of Juan de Fuca. Marilyn Bell, Canadian swimmer

19 October 1937

Born on the same birth date (19 October 1937): Peter MaxTerence Thomas, Baron Thomas of Macclesfield

Born on the same birth day (19 October): Amy CarterAnnie Smith PeckCassius Marcellus Clay (politician)Dmitry of UglichEmilio Eduardo MasseraGeirr TveittHabib BeyeJosé BautistaLaWanda PageLeigh HuntMarguerite PereyMartin KuschMiguel Ángel AsturiasOkan BurukPaul HartleySharadchandra Shankar ShrikhandeTakeshi KoshidaTom KilbeyYakubu GowonYoko ShimomuraYōji Matsuda

Born in the same month (October 1937): Barry SwitzerBobby CharltonDavid CrockerJim SillarsJohnnie CochranJohnny CarrollLenny WilkensPaul Hawkins (racing driver)Ron LeibmanSanto & JohnnySonny OsborneTerence Thomas, Baron Thomas of MacclesfieldTom PaxtonWanda Jackson