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Katie Featherston

Katie Dianne Featherston is an American actress. She is known for playing Katie in the Paranormal Activity series. Katie Featherston, American actress

20 October 1982

Born on the same birth date (20 October 1982): Becky BrewertonKristian Bach BakLawrence Roberts (basketball)

Born on the same birth day (20 October): Alfred Gwynne VanderbiltArthur RimbaudDavid Mickey EvansFlavio CipollaIan RushIsmail al-AzhariJohann GruberJohn DeweyJosé VerasJulie PayetteKevin WaltersMark Little (Australian actor)Paul TerekPrince Yasuhiko AsakaRichard Boyle, 1st Earl of BurlingtonRobert LochnerTracy HallWanda JacksonWill GreenwoodWilliam Zabka

Born in the same month (October 1982): Adam Carroll (racing driver)Andy GreeneAtom AraulloClémence PoésyGuido GrünheidJ. A. HappRubén Ramírez (footballer, born 1982)Simon GotchTerrell SuggsTyson Chandler