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Ify Ibekwe

Ifunanya Debbie "Ify" Ibekwe is a Nigerian American professional basketball player for the Virtus Eirene Ragusa and the Nigeria women's national team. Ify Ibekwe, American basketball player

5 October 1989

Born on the same birth date (5 October 1989): Kelsey AdrianMarcel BaudeTravis Kelce

Born on the same birth day (5 October): Aaron GuielAl-DhahabiBahar KizilDillon FrancisGail DavisJeff ConawayJewell LoydLuigi VitaleMaja SalvadorManny ZienerMary of ModenaMichael GrabnerMichael RoosMichèle Pierre-LouisNate ThompsonNathalie KelleyRobin Lane FoxVictor de Riqueti, marquis de Mirabeau

Born in the same month (October 1989): Arca (musician)David TimorEmer KennyIvan MarconiJonathan VieraJonita Gandhi