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Guillermo Vargas

Guillermo Vargas Jiménez, also known as Habacuc, is an artist best known for the controversy caused when he exhibited an emaciated dog in a gallery in Nicaragua in 2007. Guillermo Vargas, Costa Rican photographer and painter

18 September 1975

Born on the same birth date (18 September 1975): Jason SudeikisKanstantsin Lukashyk

Born on the same birth day (18 September): Ami OnukiBlue PantherCharles RoachChristian PulisicDrew Gilpin FaustEloísa MafaldaHaydar Mirza SafaviJason SudeikisJohn Powell (film composer)Justinus KernerKanstantsin LukashykKristaps ValtersMark Olson (musician)Ralph BackstromRichard WithRick PitinoSteven PinkerTakao DoiWalter Koch (astrologer)

Born in the same month (September 1975): Dave SalmoniGeorge BoatengJuan CobiánJuan Pablo MontoyaMireille EnosRod BarajasScott SpeedmanTa-Nehisi Coates