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Gordon Clapp

Gordon Clapp is an American actor best known for playing Det. Greg Medavoy for all 12 seasons of the television series NYPD Blue, winning an Emmy Award in 1998. Gordon Clapp, American actor

24 September 1948

Born on the same birth date (24 September 1948): Garth PorterPhil Hartman

Born on the same birth day (24 September): AD 15Alexandra AdlerJohan de WittMaximiliano UggèMel TaylorMichael J. S. DewarSevero OchoaSpencer Treat ClarkVoula ZouboulakiWayne Henderson (musician)

Born in the same month (September 1948): Bryant GumbelCharlie WatersClaydes Charles SmithDuncan FletcherJohn RitterJulia DonaldsonMarc ReisnerMimi KennedyMitsuo MomotaRon BlairSteve TurreSusan RuttanVasile Șirli