Birth Date Cake O'Clock Birth Date Clock

Gerard Henderson

Gerard Henderson is an Australian author, columnist and political commentator. He founded and is the executive director of The Sydney Institute, a privately funded Australian current affairs forum. Gerard Henderson, Australian journalist and author

10 September 1945

Born on the same birth date (10 September 1945): José FelicianoMike Mullane

Born on the same birth day (10 September): Alex Saxon (actor)Corban KnightGeorgia Douglas JohnsonGiovanni GronchiIsabel ColegateJack MaJoseph WheelerJérémy ToulalanMichael Earl (puppeteer)Rosie FloresSander PostVasilios LakisWolfgang MusculusZhang Chengzhi

Born in the same month (September 1945): Dee Dee SharpDoug IngleEva BergmanFranz BeckenbauerGianluigi GelmettiJosé FelicianoLem BarneyLouise BeaudoinManolis RasoulisMartin TylerP. F. SloanPaul PetersenPeter StoreyRichard ChildressRogie VachonTon van Heugten