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Eduardo Paret

Eduardo Paret Pérez is a Cuban baseball player. He is a shortstop for Villa Clara of the Cuban National Series, and for the Cuban national baseball team. Eduardo Paret, Cuban baseball player

23 October 1972

Born on the same birth date (23 October 1972): Bryan PrattDominika PaletaJasmin St. ClaireJimmy WayneTiffeny Milbrett

Born on the same birth day (23 October): Abdel Aziz al-RantisiBernd ErdmannCharles GoodhartDolly BusterFernando de la Cerda (1255–1275)Gianni RodariGoldie HarveyGrant ImaharaHarvey PenickHermann HauserKrešimir Ćosić (politician)Lynn GreerOdalys GarcíaRube BresslerSeo In-gukVinicio GómezÉlie Okobo

Born in the same month (October 1972): Adrianne FrostBrad PaisleyDaniel ElenaDominika PaletaEsa HolopainenEvhen TsybulenkoFred HoibergGabrielle UnionJasmin St. ClaireJeremy WrightJessica HynesKurt Thomas (basketball)Lee Clark (footballer)Marcus BaiMark SchwarzerMichael NylanderSaffron BurrowsStanislav VargaSummer SandersTakafumi Horie