Birth Date Cake O'Clock Birth Date Clock

Dick Simon

Richard Raymond Simon is retired American auto racing driver and racing team owner. Simon drove Indy cars in USAC and CART, and made 17 starts at the Indianapolis 500. At the 1988 Indianapolis 500, Simon set a record as the oldest driver in Indy 500 history, a record that was later broken by A. J. Foyt. Dick Simon, American race car driver

21 September 1933

Born on the same birth date (21 September 1933): Allan Jeans

Born on the same birth day (21 September): Charles ClarkeGirolamo SavonarolaGuillaume FichetMurilo MaccariOdilo SchererReggie NelsonTomas Scheckter

Born in the same month (September 1933): Asha BhosleBob Bennett (politician)Bulldog BrowerCarmelo SimeoneCharles RoachGilles ArchambaultGreg MorrisHarve PresnellJimmie Rodgers (pop singer)Margaret Booth (judge)Marshall LytleMathieu KérékouMiguel Ortiz BerrocalSamora MachelSteve Shirley