Birth Date Cake O'Clock Birth Date Clock

Dick Lucas (minister)

Richard Charles Lucas is an Anglican evangelical cleric, best known for his long ministry at St Helen's Bishopsgate in London, England, and for his work as founder of the Proclamation Trust and the Cornhill Training Course. Dick Lucas, English minister and cleric

10 September 1925

Born on the same birth date (10 September 1925): Boris TchaikovskyRoy Brown (blues musician)

Born on the same birth day (10 September): Angus Bethune (politician)Arthur ComptonDan O'TooleDanny HuttonDavid Lowery (musician)Eoin MorganLaura Cornelius KelloggMiguel SerranoMirko Cro CopNiccolò JommelliThomas Allen (baritone)

Born in the same month (September 1925): Allan BlakeneyAndrea CamilleriAutar Singh PaintalHarvey HaddixLaura AshleyMartin David KruskalP. BhanumathiPaul MacCreadyRoy Brown (blues musician)Seymour CraySilvana PampaniniStan LopataVirginia CapersW. Reece Smith Jr.