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David Dellucci

David Michael Dellucci is an American former professional baseball outfielder, who played 13 seasons in Major League Baseball (MLB) for seven teams. David Dellucci, American baseball player and sportscaster

31 October 1973

Born on the same birth date (31 October 1973): Beverly LynneChristopher BevinsPaul AbrahamsTim Byrdak

Born on the same birth day (31 October): Bernard EdwardsChristopher AnsteyDan Wood (ice hockey)Denis IrwinEthel WatersInka GringsJames Lovell (politician)Luis FortuñoMari JungstedtMarie LaurencinMikhail TomskyNick SabanNorodom SihanoukPaolo MantegazzaPat Murray (American football)Princess Margaretha, Mrs. AmblerSébastien BuemiTim Byrdak

Born in the same month (October 1973): Austin HealeyFırat AydınusGreg ChalmersGrigol MgaloblishviliJason Johnson (baseball)John Mackey (composer)Kari KorhonenM. WardMark van der ZijdenMatt Hughes (fighter)Melissa Harris-Perry