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Dave Bargeron

David W. Bargeron is an American trombonist and tuba player who was a member of the jazz-rock group Blood, Sweat & Tears. Dave Bargeron, American trombonist and tuba player

6 September 1942

Born on the same birth date (6 September 1942): Mel McDanielRichard Hutton (cricketer)

Born on the same birth day (6 September): Anthony WagnerBryan SimonaireBud ShrakeCatharine BeecherCheyne CoatesClara Kimball YoungElizabeth Murray (artist)George Mann (cricketer)Jackie TrentJane AddamsJon Ander LópezJustin WhalinJustina MachadoLuis Federico LeloirMathew HorneMax SchreckMay Jordan McConnelMoses MendelssohnSt. John Richardson LiddellSusumu Tonegawa

Born in the same month (September 1942): Al JardineCandida Lycett GreenFrankie LymonFrançois TavenasJohn Taylor (jazz)Lupe OntiverosOscar Bonavena