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Darren E. Burrows

Darren E. Burrows is an American actor and director. He is best known for playing Ed Chigliak in the television series Northern Exposure. He also appeared in Cry-Baby, Amistad, Sunset Strip, Forty Shades of Blue, in a season six episode of The X-Files and in Season 9 of CSI: Crime Scene Investigation. Darren E. Burrows, American actor

12 September 1966

Born on the same birth date (12 September 1966): Ben FoldsVezio Sacratini

Born on the same birth day (12 September): Amanda JenssenAntonio CafieroBA RobertsonBruce MahlerFreeman Freeman-Thomas, 1st Marquess of WillingdonH. H. AsquithJeff IrwinJohn Mowbray, 3rd Duke of NorfolkLinda GrayMaciej ŻurawskiMike TowellNuno ValentePeter ScolariRoad Warrior AnimalSebastian HofmannSydney SweeneyTurgut CanseverWalter B. Gibson

Born in the same month (September 1966): Bernard GilkeyBujar NishaniDino CazaresHersey HawkinsJason FlemyngJohn Bel EdwardsJovanottiKevin Young (hurdler)Michael ShankMike RichterMilinko PantićPeter FurlerRajesh KhattarSalma HayekSoledad O'BrienToby Jones