Birth Date Cake O'Clock Birth Date Clock

Cristian Dulca

Cristian Alexandru Dulca is a Romanian professional football coach and former player, who is currently in charge of the Romania women's national team. Cristian Dulca, Romanian footballer

25 October 1972

Born on the same birth date (25 October 1972): Jonathan TorrensMaxi MoundsPersia WhiteRodolfo Falcón

Born on the same birth day (25 October): Abdelkader Ben BoualiArmand ThirardAthena ChuCamillo SivoriCarlo EmeryClaude CahunDan GableFabian HambüchenGotthard HandrickKrzysztof PiesiewiczNika FuttermanPrincess Elisabeth, Duchess of BrabantWhit BissellYa'qub ibn al-Layth al-Saffar

Born in the same month (October 1972): Annely AkkermannEsa HolopainenGrant HillJeremy WrightJonathan TorrensMark SchwarzerMichél Mazingu-DinzeyMusashi (kickboxer)Takafumi HorieTarkan (singer)