Birth Date Cake O'Clock Birth Date Clock

Chris Verene

Christopher Phillip Verene is an American fine arts and documentary photographer, performance artist, and musician. He is a professor of photography at the College of Staten Island, CUNY. Verene was awarded a Guggenheim fellowship in 2021. Chris Verene, American photographer

29 October 1969

Born on the same birth date (29 October 1969): David Farr (theatre director)

Born on the same birth day (29 October): Astrid SDanny VranesDon SimpsonFabiola GianottiGerald MorrisHelen CoonanMaxim of BulgariaMichael PassonsNadejda OstrovskayaParris GoebelRalph BakshiShin SaimdangWinona Ryder

Born in the same month (October 1969): Ben HarperBrett FavreCoque MallaDilsa Demirbag StenErwin SánchezGiles MartinIbragim GasanbekovJosé ValentínJulio BorgesLabros PapakostasOri KaplanRoy HargroveSpike JonzeSteven Chamuleau