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Chris Bambridge

Christopher Francis Bambridge is an Australian retired football referee. Born in Kettering, England he came to Australia from Britain in 1974. Chris Bambridge, Australian footballer and referee

7 October 1947

Born on the same birth date (7 October 1947): Jill Larson

Born on the same birth day (7 October): Alex CobbAmber Stevens WestHarold GeigerHenri-Elzéar TaschereauJohn MellencampLeonidas ParaskevopoulosMaria SzyszkowskaPrincess Senate SeeisoShawn AshmoreWilliam Laud

Born in the same month (October 1947): Alan PascoeBob WeirCountess Anne Dorte of RosenborgDavid ZuckerGiant HaystacksGlenn TiptonHaley BarbourHansa YogendraHillary ClintonJob CohenJoe MortonMichèle Pierre-LouisPatxi AndiónRicardo AschRichard Morris (archaeologist)Timothy B. Schmit