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Bud Smith

Robert Allan "Bud" Smith is an American former baseball pitcher. Smith was active at the major league level in 2001 and 2002, playing for the St. Louis Cardinals. Bud Smith, American baseball player

23 October 1979

Born on the same birth date (23 October 1979): Jorge SolísLynn GreerPrabhasRamón Castro (third baseman)Simon Davies (footballer, born 1979)

Born on the same birth day (23 October): Charles Kilpatrick (athlete)Chauncey A. GoodrichDominikus BöhmFilippos DarlasFélix DoubrontJimmy WayneKyle GibsonPaul Rudolph (architect)Pierre Moerlen

Born in the same month (October 1979): Alexandros NikolaidisBlue AdamsGabe GrossGregori Chad PetreeHiroyuki Yamamoto (footballer)Māris VerpakovskisPascal van AssendelftRosa MendesShawn AshmoreWes Brown