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Bill Melchionni

William P. Melchionni is an American former National Basketball Association (NBA) and American Basketball Association (ABA) player. A three time All-Star, Melchionni is one of only four players to win NBA and ABA championships. Bill Melchionni, American basketball player

19 October 1944

Born on the same birth date (19 October 1944): George McCraePeter Tosh

Born on the same birth day (19 October): Arne BendiksenBernadeth PonsCliff LyonsJohn Abernethy (minister)Rodney CarringtonStephen Keynes

Born in the same month (October 1944): Angela RipponBettye SwannBob RileyGerry Anderson (broadcaster)John EntwistleJon AndersonKaizer MotaungMerzak AllouachePierre DeligneSali Berisha