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Ben Duckworth

Ben Duckworth is a former professional rugby league footballer who played for the Illawarra Steelers, Eastern Suburbs, Balmain Tigers, Wests Tigers and Parramatta Eels. Ben Duckworth, Australian rugby league player

23 September 1974

Born on the same birth date (23 September 1974): Layzie BoneMatt Hardy

Born on the same birth day (23 September): Bill Stone (Royal Navy sailor)Georg KeßlerHilly KristalJacques PoulinJohn Boyd OrrLarry MizeLisaRaye McCoyLloyd J. OldMariano MorenoRoy BuchananStan LyndeTareq SuheimatVello HelkWilliam Holmes McGuffey

Born in the same month (September 1974): Andy Todd (footballer, born 1974)Damon Jones (American football)Daniel WuDeLisha Milton-JonesEmily RutherfurdHicham El GuerroujHidetaka MiyazakiJenn ColellaLauren JeskaRahul SanghviRawl LewisShane CrawfordTanaz EshaghianTom Greatrex