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Becky Iverson

Becky Iverson is an American professional golfer who played on the LPGA Tour. She currently works as the director of golf at The Bridges Golf Club in Madison, Wisconsin Becky Iverson, American golfer

12 October 1967

Born on the same birth day (12 October): Aleister CrowleyAlice ChildressArthur HardenBarclay ShawDusty RhodesFriedrich Frey-HeroséJimmy Burke (baseball)Jordan PundikLuis PoloniaMalcolm RenfrewStephen Lee (snooker player)Thomas DudleyVelvalee DickinsonVijay MerchantWim Jonk

Born in the same month (October 1967): Aleksander ČeferinChris CollingwoodDale CroverFrankie FredericksGavin LovegroveGillian WelchJonathan LittellJulia RobertsNathalie TauziatOmar LinaresSteven WoolfeTeddy RileyYōji Matsuda