Birth Date Cake O'Clock Birth Date Clock

Alain Ferté

Alain Serge Ferté is a French professional racing driver. He is the elder brother of Michel Ferté, who was also a professional racing driver. Alain Ferté, French race car driver

8 October 1955

Born on the same birth date (8 October 1955): Bill ElliottDarrell HammondLonnie PitchfordPaul Lennon

Born on the same birth day (8 October): Adrian Palmer, 4th Baron PalmerAlasdair MilneBruno MarsBruno ThiryC. J. RamoneChevy ChaseDick Burnett (musician)Georgy GeshevGus HallHalfdan HegtunHanan AshrawiJim FairchildKirk AlynLonnie PitchfordMike Morgan (baseball)Paul BurchillPınar SelekSnuffy BrowneStephen ShoreTerran PettewayTetsuya NomuraThe TornadosTommy Armour III

Born in the same month (October 1955): Adair Turner, Baron Turner of EcchinswellArleen SorkinDenis WatsonEllen DolanGeorgios AlogoskoufisGlynis BarberIndra NooyiJane SiberryJohn S. LesmeisterKevin DuBrowKulbir BhauraPeter Saville (graphic designer)Philip OakeyVanessa Briscoe Hay